Nabbaale Vally Beatrice, JD

Makula Student to Lawyer

Beatrice’s Journey to Becoming a Lawyer

I'm Nabbaale Vally Beatrice, and I just completed a Bachelor of Laws degree at Makerere University. Let me share a bit about my journey.

Growing up with my family of four, life wasn't always easy. But thanks to the Makula Fund for Children, everything changed. I joined the organization in 2007, during primary three, when times were tough for my family. Being part of Makula opened doors to education, allowing me to pursue my dreams and attend the school of my choice.

From Kawuku Parents School to Ggaba Mixed High School and finally to Mengo Senior School, each step of my educational journey was made possible by the support of the Makula Fund.

In 2018, all my hard work paid off when I aced my high school exams and secured a spot at Makerere University for a Bachelor of Laws degree. It was a dream come true! But the journey wasn't without its challenges.

Despite facing setbacks, like missing out on government sponsorship and being initially admitted for a different course, the Makula Fund came through for me once again. They offered to fully sponsor my law degree, making it possible for me to pursue my passion.

University life brought new experiences and challenges, but with the support of good friends and mentors, I'm navigating through it all. My goal is to become a judge one day, inspired by trailblazing women in the legal field like Justice Catherine Bamugemerere and Salome Bbosa.

None of this would have been possible without the incredible folks at the Makula Fund for Children. Their unwavering support has been the driving force behind my academic journey, and for that, I'm forever grateful. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and make a difference.


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