Your Donation Makes an Impact

Your donation is changing lives in Uganda and helping us build a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone.

Thank you - "Webale!"

See the instructions below to donate by Venmo, check, and DAF.

Discover the impact your donation can make.

$100 provides a child with an egg each day for a year.

$ 50 provides a child with their mandatory school uniform.

$ 35 provides a child with school textbooks for a year.

$ 25 provides a child with school supplies for a year.

$ 10 provides a child with routine medical care for a year.

The Makula Fund for Children is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions in the United States are 100% deductible under section 170 of the Code.

Donate by Credit Card or PayPal Here

Donate by Venmo, Check, Monthly, or Donor Advised Fund (DAF)


Venmo is welcome! Send Venmo donations to @TheMakulaFund-ForChildren


Checks are welcome! Please make payable to “The Makula Fund for Children” and mail to:

The Makula Fund for Children
c/o Paul Brown
20 Wachusett Street, #3
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Monthly or Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Monthly or DAF donations are welcome! Please contact us for further info.