Sponsor a Student

At Makula, we are dedicated to backing children throughout their entire educational journey, whether you opt for a one-year or multi-year commitment, we are immensely grateful for any support you provide.

Thank you - "Webale!"

See the instructions below to sponsor by Venmo, check, and DAF.

The cost to fully support a child:

Primary/Elementary School: $1.35 per day ($500 per year)

Secondary/High School: $1.65 per day ($600 per year)

Vocational/Technical: $4.10 per day ($1,500 per year)

College/University: $8.20 per day ($3,000 per year)

The Makula Fund for Children is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions in the United States are 100% deductible under section 170 of the Code.

Sponsor by Credit Card or PayPal Here

Sponsor a Student by Venmo, Check, Monthly, or Donor Advised Fund (DAF)


Venmo is welcome! Send Venmo donations to @TheMakulaFund-ForChildren


Checks are welcome! Please make payable to “The Makula Fund for Children” and mail to:

The Makula Fund for Children
c/o Paul Brown
20 Wachusett Street, #3
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Monthly or Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Monthly or DAF donations are welcome! Please contact us for further info.